The astrological year begins on 20/03/23, with the change of the sun into the zodiac sign Aries. Aries is the first of the twelve signs and represents, so to speak, the beginning, the “birth”. It represents this first impulse, the will to act and the energy. And quite under this motto is also the entire astrological year 2023/24, because it is a Mars year. Mars is the planet associated with the sign Aries. So the themes of Aries or Mars will remain present.
And one thing can already be said: it will not be boring. Mars is the planet of self-assertion, new beginnings, will to act and initiative. It asks us to be courageous, to allow change, and to stand up for ourselves. So if you're still holding on to old, outdated patterns, resisting change, or trying to hide, you're going to be knocked off your game by now at the latest.
Of course, we also run the risk of overtaking ourselves at such times, of acting selfishly or, in the most violent cases, of letting our drive or will to act turn into aggression. The challenge, therefore, is always to maintain balance and practice patience and understanding for ourselves and others. Nevertheless, Mars can teach us a lot, namely self-confidence and courage. Our task this year is to finally take the first step, (re)start and put things into action.
All these themes are initiated by the first new moon of the astrological year on 21/03/23 in Aries. Here, the Sun and Moon meet for the first time and immediately start this new year with a lot of power. You may manifest now and collect all your plans and wishes for the next time and start to implement them. Be brave, take the first step and have confidence in yourself and all your strengths. In Aries, we may follow our childlike curiosity and try things out. You have planned and reflected enough. Now let's go.
As you can already see, there is a lot going on in March and April and fittingly Pluto, which has been in Capricorn since 2008 (!), is moving into Aquarius. It will go retrograde again in early May and move back into Capricorn for a few months before finally moving into Aquarius in 2024, but this first month and a half in Aquarius is still very significant. Pluto is the planet of transformation and since it stays in a sign for about 12–20 years, we are talking about major, collective transformations here. Aquarius is about authenticity, freedom, rebellion, and community. It is about equality and tolerance. Outdated, conservative and narrow-minded structures will no longer work. In your personal environment as well as on a societal level.
So meet this exciting time with curiosity, courage, and openness. Have confidence in yourself and embrace new developments. The only constant in life is change.
And if everything becomes too much for you and you have the feeling that you are overtaking yourself in between, take time for yourself, ground yourself. Go out into nature or move your body. You carry all the security within you.